The guiding star of our company is the best you can imagine: the sun! Due to inside temperatures of up to 14 million degrees, the sun is constantly sparking again. Things are not quite as hot in the brick and tile industry but initial sparks are in demand there too – when it comes to ideas for technical innovations. Starting with an optimum selection of refractories and insulation materials, kiln and dryer construction is about creating maximum quality with the best possible process engineering and minimal expenditure of energy – with a wide variety of products being involved.
We have gained experience in new construction and in optimization of existing plants over more than 60 years. Now, we are even facing the crucial issue for the future in the brick and tile industry: Firing and drying as climate-neutral as possible.
Our sun has been supplying the energy we all need with persistence for a very long time. We get to our day-to-day work with the same persistence and energy: always looking for the best solution, providing an idea on fire.
The sun loses 4 million tons of its
mass per second – pure energy for us.